Our Legal Team

Areas of Expertise

Employment & Labor Law


Employment and Labor law and practices have changed dramatically in recent years, affecting global and domestic businesses.
The growth of new markets, increasing workforce mobility, outsourcing and offshoring and other business developments have added to the complexity of the employment landscape. Competition for top talent has intensified, individuals are better informed about their rights, and the internationalisation of employment, especially at the executive level, is relentless.
Getting the right people in the right roles in the right locations, appropriately incentivised and supported, while, at the same time, protecting the organisation and its assets has never been more challenging. Practical and up-to-date expertise from a trusted adviser on employment law is now more important than ever.
Our employment team helps clients to manage their employment issues with confidence. We cover all aspects of employment law, providing commercially focused, cost-effective and common sense advice. We can also assess the need for, and co-ordinate advice from, lawyers in foreign jurisdictions for multinational and global companies.

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